Compounds based on blends of thermoplastic starch with biodegradable copolyester and polymers like PP, LLDPE

Teknor Apex’s bioplastics division has developed a new range of compounds based on blends of thermoplastic starch (TPS) with petrochemical polymers, including polypropylene, linear lowdensity polyethylene, and biodegradable copolyester. The Terraloy compounds are made using a process developed by Cerestech Inc. and licensed to Teknor Apex. The process converts granules of starch from corn, wheat, tapioca, or potatoes into a masterbatch containing TPS and a host polymer. When the blend is with another bioplastic or a biodegradable copolyester, the resulting compound is 100% biodegradable. The Terraloy range will be available in ready-to-process compound and masterbatch form. The company is also prepared to sub-license the Cerestech technology. “While conventional methods of blending starch with other polymers cause the mechanical properties of the host polymer to deteriorate, the Cerestech process makes it possible to retain host-polymer properties while obtaining the economic benefits of starch,” said Teknor Apex vice president Dr. Robert S Brookman. “This combination of advantages opens the possibility of developing a wealth of raw material options for processors whose sustainability strategies call for renewable resources or biodegradability.”
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