Construction of Rhodia Polyamide's South Korean polymerization unit on Schedule

The construction of Rhodia Polyamide's new 48,000 tpa Polyamide 6.6 salt and polymerization plant in Onsan, South Korea is on schedule and that plant start-up is set for early December 2007. Rhodia invested almost 40 million euro in the design and construction of the company's first polymerization unit in Asia. This investment is consistent with Rhodia's strategy as the world's second largest polyamide producer and the leading player in the Asian polyamide 6.6 market. "Rhodia Polyamide is focused on the further growth of PA 6.6 business and towards achieving that objective we have a three-point strategy," says Laurent Schmitt, CEO Rhodia Polyamide. "The first is the ongoing development of Rhodia's industrial footprint to ensure our global competitiveness in intermediates & polymers, particularly in the world's fastest growing regions. Secondly, the strengthening of engineering plastics as the growth engine of our activities; and thirdly, the targeting of Asia and Brazil as priority zones for expansion beyond Rhodia's European base." Rhodia has already two engineering plastics compounding facilities in China and South Korea and recently opened a new technical application development centre in Shanghai. "Demand in Asia for Rhodia Polyamide's 6.6 range comprising Technyl® and Stabamid™ polymers has enjoyed a very high annual growth rate of more than 40 percent in recent years," says Dominique Rage, President Rhodia Polyamide Intermediates and Polymers. "The continuing investment strategy in Onsan will better serve our Asian customers providing them with value-added benefits and dedicated customer service."
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