After winning orders for overseas projects valued at US$2.2 bln this year alone, South Korean polycarbonate major, Daelim Industrial, has secured its outstanding leadership in the Middle East as a plant manufacturer. This represents a more than threefold jump in the value of orders targeted for this year. Daelim Industrial specializes in engineering industrial design and construction.
The company seems poised to redouble its efforts to further explore overseas markets, mainly from Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran.
Daelim has been awarded a US$1 bln project to build petrochemical plants in Kayan, Saudi Arabia, in February, and a US$700 mln project for the construction of an oil refining plant in Iran in March. A deal for a Turkey-based project worth US$260 mln and another replacing oil pipelines extending 60 km to link oil storage tanks in the south and north of the Kuwaiti city Magwa, have also been attained.