Elastogran Kanoo Polyurethane Systems to change name to BASF Kanoo Polyurethanes LLC

BASF plans to further strengthen its brand in the Polyurethanes business. With effect from December 1, 2011, Elastogran Kanoo Polyurethane Systems LLC will change its name to BASF Kanoo Polyurethanes LLC, as a step in this direction. This has no effect on the legal identity of the company, nor will it have any effect on existing agreements or contracts. "The name change is an important indicator of BASF's commitment to its European PU business and helps strengthen the BASF brand overall," says Dr. Uwe Hartwig, Senior Vice President BASF Polyurethanes Europe. "With this we show clearly, that our polyurethane System Houses are part of the global BASF Verbund. They enable us to offer our customers and partners all over the world the expertise and problem-solving skills that BASF has established due to its presence in many key industries." BASF Kanoo Polyurethanes LLC has extended its position significantly in the Gulf region since the 2008 joint venture between BASF and Kanoo which included the acquisition of the polyurethane business of Multi Chemical Est. in Abu Dhabi. In 2010 BASF Kanoo Polyurethanes LLC started successfully the operation of the newly built System House in Dubai Industrial City. Dr. Joerg Schneider, Managing Director of BASF Kanoo Polyurethanes LLC, adds: "A key success factor for the business development is the ability to give our customers access to BASF's polyurethane technologies which are underpinned by more than 40 years' experience. As BASF continues to strengthen its position as the market leader for PU systems, this name change will ensure our professionalism and performance excellence are more closely linked with the BASF brand."
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