Enterprise Products will build a world-scale propane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit on the Texas Gulf coast, with the capacity to consume up to 35,000 bpd of propane to produce up to 1.65 bln lb/year (750,000 tpa or 25,000 bpd) of polymer-grade propylene (PGP). Operations are slated to commence in Q3-2015. The facility would integrate with Enterprise’s existing natural gas liquids (NGL) and propylene facilities.
For propane feedstock supply, the PDH unit will utilize Enterprise’s NGL fractionation and storage system on the Texas coast. By 2015, with completion of previously-announced expansions, Enterprise plans to have 708,000 bpd of NGL fractionation capacity, which would provide up to 177,000 bpd of propane supply. In addition, the facility will be supported by its 100 million bbl of NGL and petrochemical storage facilities in the Texas Gulf coast region.In 2015, the PDH unit will also be complemented by Enterprise’s 5.3 bln lb/year (2.4 mln tpa or 80,000 bpd) of propylene fractionation capacity, which fractionates refinery-grade propylene to produce PGP. Enterprise also has PGP storage facilities and a 102-mile pipeline system, capable of delivering PGP to 18 downstream customers and to international markets through the partnership’s propylene export terminal in Seabrook, Texas.