Foster Wheeler Ltd. subsidiaries have been awarded contracts by Qatar Intermediate Industries Holding Co. Ltd. (Qatar Holding), a fully owned subsidiary of Qatar Petroleum, to execute the front-end engineering design (FEED). They will also provide project management and construction management (PMCM) services for a new grassroots petrochemical complex to be located at Mesaieed in Qatar.
Qatar Holding is in the process of establishing a joint venture company for this project with Honam Petrochemical Corporation of Korea. In addition to the usual FEED scope, Foster Wheeler's work also includes the procurement of long-lead items.
The new complex will include world-scale olefins and aromatics units, which will supply ethylene, propylene and benzene to the downstream polypropylene, ethylbenzene, styrene monomer and polystyrene facilities. The complex, which will also include ethylene-to-propylene conversion units, is scheduled for completion in 2011.