GAIL to explore strategic cooperation with Bharat Petrochemicals Company Ltd.

Gail India, plans to explore all options for strategic cooperation with Bharat Petrochemicals Company Ltd (BPCL). Gail India may weigh the prospects of tying up with BPCL whose combined refinery production capacity at Mumbai, Kochi and Numaligarh refineries was 22.28 mln metric tons in 2006-07. GAIL also plans to explore the option of an alliance with BPCL for exploration and production. In 2006-07, GAIL's polymer production increased by 14% to 3,54,000 tons as against 3,11,000 tons in the previous year. BPCL is currently implementing the 6 million mtpa refinery at Bina and it has also firmed up plans to set up crude oil receipt at Kochi refinery.
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