Honam Petrochem plans 45 day annual turnaround of Yeosu aromatics plant

Honam Petrochemical plans to shut its aromatics plant at Yeosu for a 45 day annual turnaround from March 1 to April 15 in 2012, as per Platts. Plant capacity comprises 180,000 tpa of benzene, 80,000 tpa of toluene and 50,000 tpa of solvent-MX. The turnaround will coincide with the shutdown of Honam's naphtha-fed steam cracker over the same period. The steam cracker has a design capacity of 720,000 tpa of ethylene and 360,000 tpa of propylene, and supplies crude C-4 feedstock to a 130,000 tpa butadiene plant. Honam has another aromatics plant at Daesan which is able to produce 60,000 tpa of solvent-MX, 236,000 tpa of benzene and 120,000 tpa of toluene.
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