India's CPCL has long term plans to build 15 mln tpa refinery and petrochem complex in Tamil Nadu

India's Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd (CPCL), now a part of state-owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), is reportedly having long term plans to outlay US$10 bln in order to establish a 15 mln tpa refinery and petrochemical complex in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDC) has apparently offered three locations to CPCL for this project. Over the next four years, CPCL will reportedly outlay US$2 bln in Manali refinery complex, Tamil Nadu to augment its 3 mln tpa refinery to 4 million tpa. The investment will also include residue upgradation project and auto fuel quality upgradation projects to meet Euro IV standards, overhaul of naphtha hydro-treating and catalytic reforming unit and to produce high-quality motor spirit at its Manali refinery.
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