India's GAIL to ramp up polymer capacity at Pata Petrochemical Complex

India's state-owned Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) is reportedly expecting to increase the combined polymer (HDPE and LLDPE) production capacity at its Pata Petrochemical Complex in Uttar Pradesh. The current polymer production at its Pata plant is 410,000 tpa and GAIL is expected to twice this capacity to 800,000 tpa by ramping up production at its existing plants and building new plants. In addition, GAIL's Pata plant produces 400,000 tpa of ethylene. GAIL has already set underway work to construct the sixth gas cracker furnace at its Pata plant at an outlay of Rs.97 cr to raise the polymer production capacity from 410,000 tpa to 500,000 tpa in Phase-1. The new HDPE-2 unit at Pata is based on the Mitsui Technology and is a part of Rs.647cr Pata Expansion Project. Recently, GAIL has also inked a 5-way joint venture with Total of France, HPCL, Mittal Energy and Oil India Limited for an integrated Refinery and Petrochemical Complex at Vizag. Moreover, GAIL has also examined North Asia and CIS states for construction of up a mega petrochemical complex through public - private participation and has involved Reliance Industries Ltd in the same.
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