Italy’s PS and HDPE imports reach a new high in July

According to recent statistics revealed by Eurostat, Italy’s plastics imports in July 2011 rose both on a monthly and yearly basis. Italy imported 424,000 tons of plastics in July 2011, with overall imports reaching the highest figure for a month since at least 2001, as per ChemOrbis. Apart from the main exporters including Germany (79,666 tons), France (71,441 tons) and Belgium (52,574 tons), the top three exporters in July 2011 were Saudi Arabia (32,497 tons), Spain (26,170 tons) and the Netherlands (18,487 tons), with all of these countries raising export volumes to Italy from June to July. Italy’s homo PP imports, which had been flat over the months of May and June, did not record a significant change in July either, being cited at 91,000 tons. The largest stakes in Italy’s homo PP imports belonged to Saudi Arabia (18,717 tons), Germany (18,121 tons) and France (10,366 tons). Imports from these countries were up across the board while imports from India fell significantly from 4,621 tons in May to 2,821 tons in June. Total PVC imports in July were up to reach 64,000 tons in July. Apart from the largest PVC supplier, France (30,984 tons), PVC imports were dominated by Germany (9,313 tons) and Spain (4,939 tons) with the Netherlands, Mexico and Hungary all exporting less than 4,000 tons to Italy in July. LDPE, HDPE and LLDPE imports were all up month over month to 57,000 tons, 67,000 tons and 26,000 tons, respectively. In July, Italy’s HDPE imports for the first seven months of the year reached a new high. France (9,647 tons) was the largest LDPE exporter to Italy. Israel (3,738 tons) almost tripled its LDPE exports from May to July while LDPE imports from Germany (8,459 tons), Sweden (4,126 tons) and the United Kingdom (2,519 tons) more than doubled month over month. In the case of HDPE, Germany (12,672 tons), Belgium (11,706 tons) and Saudi Arabia (7,751 tons) were the largest three exporters to Italy in July. As for LLDPE, Belgium (7,858 tons) had the largest stake while Saudi Arabia (4,774 tons), France (2,683 tons) and Kuwait (2,230 tons) were the closest followers. Italy imported 28,000 tons of PS in July, with imports for this product reaching a new high over the first seven months of the year. Germany (9,468 tons) and Belgium (6,862 tons) had the largest stake, raising their exports from June to July whereas no other country exported more than 4,000 tons of PS to Italy in July.
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