Jacobs receives FEED contract from Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. was awarded a design contract from Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company, an affiliate of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), to develop a process design package (PDP) and front end engineering design (FEED) package for the build of an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) plant in the Industrial City of Jubail in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Officials did not disclose the value of the contract that will be executed from Jacobs' Winnersh, UK and Al-Khobar offices. UHMWPE is used in many industrial applications including batteries and industrial fibers. This plant is to have a production capacity of 35,000 tpa year using ethylene sourced from Kayan's existing olefins plant and is of significant strategic importance as SABIC is to use its own technology. Jacobs Group Vice President Bob Irvin stated, "We are delighted to have been awarded this high profile project, which we take to be both a statement of our Client's confidence in our ability to deliver strategic projects of this nature and the commencement of what we hope will be a significant and long-term relationship with SABIC that will drive mutual benefits to our businesses and build upon our presence and future capability in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
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