July ethylene output up by 7.2% y-o-y in Japan

Fewer maintenance shutdowns have pushed up Japanese ethylene production by 7.2% to 593,700 tons in July 2010 vs 553,800 tons in July 2009. This is the first year-on-year rise since March, as per the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Output in July 2010 was up 16.7% from 508,800 tons in June 2010. Only two plants were shut for maintenance in Japan in July 2010, halving the number of maintenance related shutdowns in July 2009. The export volume of ethylene fell 33.9% to 154,800 mln tons in June 2010 vs levels seen in June 2009. May export figure was 163,700 tons, down 40.1% from a year ago.
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