Leading regional industry players will gather at the conference to address pertinent issues influencing the surfactants industry, the latest trend in Asia personal care and homecare industry and the potential for surfactant and other raw material suppliers. 10th Asia Surfactants Personal Care and Home Care Markets conference convenes on 16-17 September in Shanghai to capture the eco-conscious consumer with the latest green formulations. China’s implementation of new cosmetic regulations on April 1, which stipulate that foreign companies register new materials or ingredients in products imported into China, is causing confusion and placing new burdens on companies. Hence, at this conference, Shanghai Jahwa United Co. Ltd is invited to share some guidelines on what the industry can do to plan and prepare for product launches in China. The Shanghai conference will also focus on the new facilities that were opened in greater China. The meet will discuss if these new facilities, set up to meet the needs of the growing Chinese and wider Asian markets, allow demand to catch up with supply.
As the quantity of bio-based raw materials balloons, the conference will directly address the issue and explore the impact of these materials as more of them are commercialized. And to the benefit of producers, the meet will give insights on how they can capitalize on this immense potential and compete effectively.
Contributing at the conference are speakers from the corporate sponsor Rhodia, BASF-YPC Company Limited, Huntsman, Lion, Beijing Ivsan Chemical Pte Ltd, Clariant Chemicals (China) Ltd, Lion Corporation, Beijing Dabao Cosmetics Co. Ltd plus many others. The conference promises to provide first hand information on how companies are following the principles of high sustainability and delivering natural source of raw materials and ingredients.