Plastvision India 2007 : the most important and biggest show of 2007 of the Indian Plastics Industry

A message from Dr. M.B. Parmar, Chairman, Visitors Promotion. Exhibition Preview is a new concept conceived by the Visitors Promotion Committee of the Plastivision India 2007 to give pre-publicity of Exhibitors' Products to be displayed by them at the event. Plastvision India 2007 has become an International event this time and will be the most important and biggest show of 2007 of the Indian Plastics Industry by way of participation of 500 and odd exhibitors in 3 AC halls along with their Overseas counterparts. This is a proven Industrial Plastics Show conducted by an Organisation in the service of the Indian Plastics Industry for over 60 years. India is emerging as the sourcing hub for plastics. The pre-issue of Exhibition Preview would widely cover the products of our entrepreneurs withy its profiles and photos and will reach the end users of various segments of the Plastic Industry and create an awareness and interest to visit the exhibition during the EXPO. We are glad to inform that PVI 2007 is in its vertical growth excellence with over 30000 sq. mtr. Area booked by different segments of the industry. Machinery 7840 sq. mtr. with 153 exhibitors Auxiliary Equipment 2154 sq. mtr. with 150 exhibitors Moulds/Dies 455 sq. mtr. with 26 exhibitors Raw Materials/Polymers 2947 sq. mtr. with 84 exhibitors Semi finished goods 564 sq. mtr. with 35 exhibitors Others 66 sq. mtr. with 9 exhibitors International 1039 sq. mtr. with 64 exhibitors Organizers of PVI show are planning to provide a world class facilities such as Business Centres / Conference Rooms besides a clean and hygienic cafeteria with reasonably priced snacks for the visitors and exhibitors. Our Motto is to serve the Industry with maximum comforts. You will find live demonstrations by the leading machinery manufacturers to the buyers and visitors. In short, our vision is to make Plastivision India 2007 exhibition a result oriented EXPO for the Exhibitors and make the visitors to feel he visits an Interplas or K in India. We are confident that with active cooperation and support by the Industry and members our mission becomes easy to success. We wish you good luck in your participation at Plastivision India 2007 Exhibition.
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