Its newest line of polypropylene overmold or stand-alone TPEs (thermoplastic elastomers) has been introduced by Polymax Elastomer Technology Co. Ltd. The product is currently in use on Toyota automobile seat belt housings and in several other automotive applications. New Maxelast® P3885H thermoplastic elastomer stands out as having excellent tear strength (299 lbf/in under ASTM D624), very good UV stability, and excellent abrasion resistance. It comes natural or colored and has a Shore A hardness of 85. It can be used as a stand-alone TPE or overmolded onto polypropylene to achieve excellent results. New Maxelast® P3885H thermoplastic elastomer stands out as having excellent tear strength (299 lbf/in under ASTM D624), very good UV stability, and excellent abrasion resistance. It comes natural or colored and has a Shore A hardness of 85. It can be used as a stand-alone TPE or overmolded onto polypropylene to achieve excellent results.