RIL plans to invest US$8-9 bln over the next four years in Jamnagar

Signalling future growth through consolidation of existing operations by raising them to world-class assets, Reliance Industries Ltd plans to invest US$8-9 bln over three-four years for creating the world's biggest petroleum and petrochemicals complex at Jamnagar in Gujarat. By 2012, RIL intends to build, the world's largest integrated combined cycle coke Gasification Complex (IGCC) with 6 mln tons capacity. The two refineries combined with IGCC, the olefins complex and the aromatics complex will make the Jamnagar complex a 'Super Site'. The new petrochemicals complex "will be the largest" in the world with a capacity of 2 mln tpa of olefins with matching downstream capacities. The company would extend its petrochemicals business to high growth markets such as Russia and Egypt demonstrating the strategy of "building strength in India first and then leveraging it to build a global business".
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