Repair operations at Azerikimya’s EP-130 and plants Polimir-120

SOCAR's Production Associate Azerikimya is carrying out repair operations at its complex. Repair work will be completed before the end of this month. These operations have been carried out for the first time after commissioning of the complex "EP-130" and plants Polimir-120 in 1987. The company has put into operation more than 100 engines repaired at the plant "Ethylene-polyethylene”. Many cable platforms were demolished and reconstructed in the pyrolysis workshop. Other activities in the energy system of the plant were also successfully completed. In particular, about 12 lines of one kilometer each, leading from the substation L-38, were tested at the complex. Some damages were eliminated. Afterwards, the lines were re-connected to an electrical circuit. A 50-meter part of cable racks in the workshop was renovated. Four of the six heaters in the compressor-turbine workshop for compressed gas were reconstructed. All the oil keys and separators in the central distribution point were repaired. These operations will provide complexes with uninterrupted electricity. All the technological workshops were inspected and steam lines repaired.
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