Lummus Technology, a CB&I company, has been awarded a contract by CJSC Vostochnaya Neftechimicheskaya (VNHK), a subsidiary of OJSC Rosneft, for the license and basic engineering of a naphtha steam cracking unit and a butadiene and benzene extraction unit for VNHK’s new petrochemical complex in Russia. The steam cracking unit, which will be the world’s largest, is designed to produce more than 1.4 mln tpa of ethylene and more than 600,000 tpa of propylene, using the latest advances in the Lummus SRT-VII heater technology. The butadiene unit is designed to produce 230,000 tpa of benzene and approximately 200,000 tpa of butadiene. It will use the Lummus/BASF butadiene extraction technology.
CJSC (VHHK), a fully owned subsidiary of OJSC Rosneft Oil Company, was established in 2011 for the realization of Rosneft’s petrochemical production in Russia’s Primorsky region near the Pervostroiteley settlement of the Nakhodka city district. The enterprise will be engaged in polymers production and will produce a range of other petrochemical products. As part of the project, a specialized sea terminal near Vostochny port is planned for shipment of the finished products.