Sasol approves feasibility study for ethylene cracker and derivatives complex at Lake Charles

South African energy and chemicals company Sasol has announced approval of a feasibility study for a world scale ethylene cracker and derivatives complex. The study is focused on opportunities at Sasol’s North America operating site in Lake Charles. The feasibility study is expected to be complete during H1-2013. Sasol CEO David Constable said the board’s approval of the study is an important next step in the growth of Sasol’s chemicals business. “We believe strategic growth in chemicals will take full advantage of the natural gas opportunities along the U.S. Gulf Coast and the anticipated growth will strengthen Sasol’s overall portfolio,” Constable said. It is envisaged that the cracker will produce between 1 – 1.4 mln tpa of ethylene. As per current estimates, a cracker and derivatives complex of this size, will cost US$3.5- 4.5 bln to build.
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