Saudi Aramco, Dow confirm Jubail as site for proposed JV petrochemical project

Saudi Aramco and Dow Chemical Co have confirmed Jubail Industrial City as the planned site location for their proposed joint venture petrochemical project. The decision followed an in-depth evaluation anticipated infrastructure benefits and various potential business integration opportunities at the location – the largest industrial complex of its kind in the world. Front-end engineering and design (FEED) work is expected to be completed in mid-2011. We continue to execute the project. The commitment of both partners demonstrates the strategic importance of this project and the benefits of investing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” said Abdulaziz Al-Judaimi, Saudi Aramco’s vice president responsible for the project. Dow senior vice president Jim McIlvenny added: “The project has and continues to benefit from the shared dedication and hard work of top talent from Dow and Saudi Aramco. The project team will continue to evaluate all variables that could impact the ultimate investment decision and the relevant stakeholders.”
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