Saudi Kayan to begin trial runs at its integrated petrochemical steam cracker complex in Q3-2010

Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company expects to begin trial runs at its integrated petrochemical steam cracker complex in the Jubail Industrial City in the third quarter of 2010, as pre-commissioning is on schedule. Sabic holds a 35% stake, while the privately-owned Al Kayan Petrochemical Company owns 20%. The balance 45% is held by Saudi shareholders following an initial public offering in 2007. The complex centers around a steam cracker with a nameplate capacity of 1.35 mln tpa of ethylene, 550,000 tpa of propylene, 109,000 tpa of benzene, 680,000 tpa of polyethylene, 350,000 tpa of Polypropylene, 535,000 tpa of Ethylene glycols, 260,000 tpa of Polycarbonate, and other petrochemicals from 16 plants.
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