World's largest Coal-to-Olefins project completed in China

Shenhua Baotou Coal-to-Olefins Project, the world's largest of its kind, was completed in Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The project is a large coal chemical project in which coal is gasified into methanol, the methanol is transformed into olefin and the olefin is then polymerized into polyethylene and polypropylene. This is China's pilot industrialized coal-to-olefins project. This is also the first time that methanol-to-olefins technology with independent intellectual property rights owned by China's was used as the core device, which opened a new technical approach for implementing alternative-energy strategies and creating a new coal-to-olefins industry. Development of the coal-to-olefins industry will reduce China's dependency on foreign crude oil, and is a new approach to the sustainable development of China's petroleum and chemical industries.
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