A new plastic that is biodegradable in about 60 days

A new plastic that is biodegradable in about 60 days has been developed by Tamarisk Technologies. Tests conducted by Tamarisk Technologies as well as Intertek Labs, an independent third party laboratory, shows that this biodegradable and compostable eco-friendly plastic may replace conventional plastic. The biodegradable plastic is created from renewable sources of raw materials and uses much less energy to produce than current technologies. This new future-friendly technology will also allow plastic producers to shortcut the current manufacturing processes, therefore creating a plastic that will cost significantly less to produce. Some of the properties of the new rapidly biodegradable plastic from Tamarisk Technologies, LLC include: High PSI strengths Water proof matrix Biodegradable in 60 days Compostable; leaves only nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the soil when completely biodegraded The backbone structure of the plastic can be altered for any plastic application.
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