A new US$10 mln innovation centre seeks fossil fuel alternatives

Sarnia's Chemical Valley plans to invest US$10 mln in an innovation centre to develop environment-friendly fuels. The new centre will be at the Sarnia-Lambton Research Park of the University of Western Ontario. The centre, expected to open in 2009, will partner with researchers and local industry and is expected to attract more than US$1 bln in private sector investment by 2014 and immediately support as many as 1,000 jobs in research and engineering. It is also expected to attract new bio-industrial plants to the area. The centre will tap the expertise and infrastructure of the petrochemical industry to make Sarnia and Ontario a leader in developing renewable alternatives. The centre will include a commercialization centre with incubator suites, laboratory equipment, pilot plant space, growth areas for start-up companies and office space.
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