AIPMA organizes One Day Intl Seminar On "Six Sigma in Plastics"

AIPMA has organized a one day international seminar on " Six Sigma in Plastics" on Thursday, 28 February 2008, 9 am to 5 pm at Sahara Star, Mumbai and Wednesday, 5 March 2008, 9 am to 5 pm at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi Who should attend ? o Professionals from manufacturing and service industries o Managers o Engineers o Manufacturing personnel o Design professionals o Purchasing & Supplier professionals o Investment and finance service professionals o Drugs manufacturers o Government employees o Auto and auto part manufacturers o Medical devices manufacturers History From "sigma" as a performance measurement tool proposed by Carl Frederick Gauss (who came up with the concept of the normal curve -1777-1855) - to the Six Sigma concept proposed by Bill Smith of Motorola in the 1980s - to its rise as the most robust, mature, and effective business improvement methodology in industry today. Classical Six Sigma Quality Reduce the process variation to half the design tolerance (i.e. Cp = 2.0) while allowing the mean to shift as much as 1.5 from the target resulting in no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Current Situation: Today businesses face a new reality and urgency. Some, but not all of these are: " Tremendous Growth in International Trade and Instant Communication o Good and Bad News Travels Fast (Internationally) o Survival of the Fittest " Financial Pressures to generate month-to-month financial results (profit) " Building a long-term, sustainable business model " Fight for talent, customers, market share, and investors " Getting the business edge by provide superior customer service and performance Benefits and Lasting Power of Six Sigma: Superiority of Six Sigma process and people capability over the past management approaches, such as Total Quality Management (TQM). Six Sigma Methodology A top-down approach that focuses an organization on: " Focusing on customer requirements " Aligning processes to customer requirements " Analytical rigor " On schedule performance Case Studies: Two actual case studies relating to plastic parts and processes using many of the above tools and techniques. About the speaker : Vikram Bhargava is a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers and a founding member and Past Chairman of its Product Design and Development Division. He has over 40 years of experience in product design, development, manufacturing and management. He has trained hundreds of engineers and suppliers including the Society of Plastics Engineers and Mold Flow, Inc. in the proper design and manufacturing of plastic parts and assemblies in the US and internationally. He holds or has pending over fifteen US and International patents. Vikram has successfully led or leading innovative Six Sigma projects with potential savings of millions of dollars. He is a certified Motorola Six Sigma Black Belt. Vikram is an eloquent speaker and has been the President of the Chester County, Pennsylvania International Toast Masters Club.
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