Arya Sasol plans maintenance shutdown at 1 mln tpa cracker at Assaluyeh

Iran’s Arya Sasol Petrochemical has planned a maintenance shutdown at its 1 mln tpa cracker at Assaluyeh. Scheduled to start mid-April, the shutdown is expected to last for two to three weeks as reported by ICIS, and are expected to lead to reduced exports this month. Additionally, Morvarid Petrochemical is in the process of restarting its 500,000 tpa cracker at Assaluyeh after an unplanned shutdown in late March for technical modification works. The cracker had come on stream after mid-March this year and was to supply output as feedstock to Arvand Petrochemical Co’s chlor-alkali complex at Bandar Imam, which was in the commissioning process.
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