BASF and Hyundai concept car shown for the first time in India

BASF, the world’s leading chemical company, exhibited, for the first time in India, the i-flow, a one-of-a-kind concept car based on a unique collaboration between BASF and Hyundai Motor Group. The breathtaking design of the i-flow is coupled with a wide range of innovative features, which are beneficial to the environment as well as eye-opening to many carmaker and car lovers. The i-flow was displayed at the BASF booth during Plastindia 2012 from February 2 – 3, 2012. BASF's contributions to the i-flow allow greater fuel efficiency, reduced environmental impact, freedom of design as well as greater comfort and safety. As a result, the concept car offers important new approaches to sustainable mobility. In view of these energy-efficient contributions in the i-flow project, BASF was granted the ÖkoGlobe award, an international environmental award in the area of mobility, sponsored by the University of Duisburg-Essen and spearheaded by automotive expert Prof. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer. A concept for the seat frame of the i-flow provides an example for how lightweight construction materials can help conserve resources. It features Ultramid® Balance, a polyamide that consists to 60 percent of renewable raw materials, as well as other thermoplastics and energy-absorbing foams. The joint goal was to save as much weight as possible by using plastic components. Luquafleece® is a moisture-absorbing material: When incorporated into seats it ensures that drivers and their passengers enjoy a pleasant seating climate even at the height of summer. Elastollan®, a thermo-plastic polyurethane elastomer, can be used for high-quality surfaces. It is abrasion-proof and can be produced in a wide range of both light and dark interior colors. The BASF polyurethanes material Elastoskin® is used for the dashboard and for interior automotive parts. It is characterized by an exceptional optic and haptics, combined with a pleasant soft touch. At the same time it provides the highest freedom in design for colors, textures and geometries. The i-flow's energy concept provides an impressive example of high tech. The modern diesel engine is encapsulated with a rigid foam polyurethane insulation system that protects both the engine and the environment. On short trips and in city traffic especially, engines are slow to reach the optimum operating temperature or cool down quickly. The thermal engine insulation lessens this effect, reducing both emissions and fuel consumption. In addition, a harvesting system using the thermoelectric effect converts heat from the exhaust gases into electrical energy that helps power auxiliary systems. This results in significant fuel savings. A new catalyst from BASF combines four technologies to cut emissions in just two components. As a result, it is possible to satisfy increasingly stringent emission standards for automobiles at a relatively favorable cost. At the same time, the new solution saves both weight and space. Passive heat management can be used to reduce energy consumption even further. For example, a wide range of infrared-transparent and infrared-reflecting pigments in the car interior result in cooler plastic surfaces for the dashboard, seat and center console. Pigments from BASF's Sicotan®, Sicopal® and Lumogen® ranges provide very dark or black surfaces that remain distinctly cooler when exposed to sunlight. The result: greater comfort and less energy for air conditioning. Modern vehicle interiors aim for maximum comfort. The BASF innovation Steron® is a soft-touch coating technology. Various textures even with a high complexity can be designed, varying from soft velvet to a smooth silky touch, always keeping a natural feel. A literally brilliant effect is provided by a new mirror-like paint from BASF Coatings: The Liquid Metal basecoat makes the i-flow look as though it is chrome-plated rather than painted. In addition, the innovative iGloss clearcoat makes the paint surface both scratch-resistant and weather-resistant.
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