Battenfeld Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH to be acquired by Wittmann Kunststoffgerate

With effect from April 1, Austrian injection press maker Battenfeld Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH will be acquired on by Wittmann Kunststoffgerate GmbH, a family-owned supplier of robots, auxiliary equipment and molds. The new combined entity will be the first company in the world able to offer a fully-integrated product range for injection molding. For Battenfeld, based in Kottingbrunn, Austria, reported 2007 sales of approximately €85 mln (US$116 mln). The company filed for insolvency on Jan. 3. A week later, the government, with several banks, extended credit to keep the company open. The deal, which has been approved by Battenfeld's creditors, is subject to approval by European anti-trust authorities. It covers the injection molding machinery manufacturing operation in Kottingbrunn, worldwide sales subsidiaries and Battenfeld's service and spare parts business in Meinerzhagen, Germany, and Kottingbrunn.
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