Chandra Asri, Dow, Pertamina, Polytama, Try Polyta to invest US$1.12 bln in Indonesia

Chandra Asri, Dow Chemicals, Pertamina, Polytama and Try Polyta plan to invest a total of US$1.12 bln in 2010 in Indonesia as per an association of olefin and plastic industries. The projects planned by the five Indonesian petrochemical companies are expected to reduce a deficit in the supplies of petrochemical products. Chandra Asri, the country's largest producers of petrochemicals plans two projects: the country's first butadiene unit at an investment of US$100 mln and a BTX extraction plant at US$70 mln. Dow Chemicals plans to spend US$500 mln on a petrochemical project. State oil and gas company PT Pertamina plans an investment of US$200 mln in a polyethylene project in Balongan, West Java.
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