Further hike in W.European PVC on extra requests in Italy

After having been sold out for February last week, an official distributor in Italy of a West European producer has reported extra February allocations from its supplier, as per Chemorbis As they continue to receive more requests, they have decided to ask for further increases for the remainder of the month. The distributor sold out his quotas at €780-820/ton for PVC k70, k64 and k58, and at €770-790/ton for k67 in the first half of the month. Now, the distributor offers the specialty grades €20/ton higher at the low end at €800-820/ton FD North Italy, 90 days deferred payment. For k70, their new prices are pegged at €800/ton with the same terms, representing a further increase of €10-30/ton from the first half of the month. In general, sellers in Italy aim to pull their prices above the €800/ton threshold based on claims of diminishing supplies and expectations to see a further rebound in demand.
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