Import HDPE film trading close to par with LDPE film in China

Import HDPE film prices are currently trading close to par with LDPE film prices as the premium of LDPE film over HDPE film has sunk to its lowest level since the spring of 2010, as per ChemOrbis. HDPE film prices have shown greater resiliency than LDPE or LLDPE prices in the current downward trend as HDPE supplies were not as ample as other PE products. Players commented that LDPE film prices have also been weakened by the passing of the high season in the greenhouse film sector. The premium for LDPE film over HDPE film on a CFR China, cash basis has declined for the past four consecutive weeks and currently stands at only US$30/ton, a year-to-date low. The premium for LDPE film over HDPE film has remained below the US$100/ton threshold for the past seven weeks. The highest premium for LDPE film over HDPE film in 2011 was recorded in February of this year at around US$385/ton. LDPE film has been steadily losing its premium over HDPE film ever since. The premium for LDPE over HDPE fell below the US$300/ton threshold in early May and has stayed below the US$200/ton threshold since mid-August.
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