India to see an investment of Rs 36,000 crore in next five years for petrochem capacity expansion

Reliance Industries and state-run oil companies plan to invest over Rs 36,000 crore in next five years to expand petrochemical capacity in the country. IOC plans to invest Rs 16,000 crore at Panipat for a proposed ethylene capacity of 0.8 mln tons, while Reliance Industries would invest Rs 13,500 crore for its Jamnagar plant with a capacity of 2 mln tons. GAIL and HPL would invest Rs 650 crore each for their Pata and Haldia units. A report of the Working Group on Chemicals and Petrochemicals for the 11th plan has projected demand for petrochemicals (polymers) to have a potential to reach 12.5 mln metric tons by the end of 11th Five Year Plan.
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