Industry Association to Protest high incidence of GST on on plastics furniture


Plastics furniture,  used by common man, has been placed under 28% GST slab along with luxury goods. The All  India Plastics Moulded Furniture Manufacturers Association has made representation on the issue to state and central governments including state and central finance minister. While it is commonly agreed that plastic furniture meets the need of the common man and should attract lower tax, no action has been initiated thus far.

The GST council is meeting in Hyderabad on 9th September to review taxes. AIPMFMA members intend to be on Hunger Strike from 6th September to press for reduction in tax from 28% to 12%

To pursue the issue honorary secretary of AIPMFMA, Mr Upender Gupta will be on a hunger strike from 6th Spetember at IDA, Mallapur, Hyderabad along with few other manufacturers

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