LDPE prices in China fall below LLDPE, HDPE prices

Last week saw LDPE film prices sink below LLDPE and HDPE film prices in China as LDPE film remained stagnant while LLDPE film moved higher. According to data from ChemOrbis Price Index, LDPE prices carried a premium over LLDPE and HDPE prices for most of the past four years, with LLDPE and HDPE prices attaining levels close to parity only between the beginning of 2008 and the end of 2011. In mid-July 2011, import LDPE film prices carried a premium of around US$150-200/ton vs LLDPE and HDPE film prices. The gap between HDPE and LDPE film prices moved below US$100/ton by the fall of 2011, although LDPE film prices continued to carry a premium of around US$175-215/ton when compared with LLDPE film prices. By the beginning of 2012, HDPE film prices were trading close to par with LDPE film, while LLDPE continued to trade at a discount of around US$125/ton. LDPE’s relative position against LLDPE and HDPE film has steadily weakened over the past six months. HDPE film prices gained a premium over LDPE prices in mid-May, by which time LLDPE film prices had risen to trade at a discount of less than US$50/ton against LDPE film. LLDPE began to trade with a premium over LDPE last week after the two products had been trading nearly at par since late May. At the end of last week, LDPE film traded at a discount of around US$25-30/ton from LLDPE film while HDPE film traded with a premium of US$50/ton over LDPE film.
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