Maruzen reduces naphtha cracker run rate, Mitsui to shut Chiba cracker

Faced with deteriorating demand, particularly from buyers in China, Japanese feedstock producers are either scaling back operating rates or carrying out repair and maintenance shutdowns. Maruzen Petrochemical has scaled back operating rate at its 525,000 tpa naphtha cracker by about 10%. This will result in reduction of its naptha imports by about 14,000 tons per month. Mitsui Chemicals plans to shut its 553,000 tpa Chiba cracker for a 10 day unplanned shutdown for mechanical repairs. This shutdown will be in effect towards the end of October. Concurrently, Mitsui has increased capacity at its 455,000 tpa cracker in Osaka to 100% from around 80% capacity clocked last week.
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