New mid-year plant start-up record for Bottle-to-Bottle PET recycling

The recycling of post-consumer PET bottles is booming in Europe for a variety of ecological and economical reasons. This can also be seen in a commissioning record for PET recycling systems for the company EREMA®. This is the first time ever in Europe that 4 large-scale VACUREMA Prime systems have been handed over to their operators in only a six-month period (Q1 and Q2 2010). The 4 large-scale facilities will produce around 50,000 tpa of melt-filtered, IV-increased and food-contact-approved pellets in central and south-eastern Europe. The patented VACUREMA Prime plant technology enables efficient and defined decontamination of the PET flakes through the integrated batch process. Furthermore, the system also achieves the required IV increase. Thanks to the latest development it is now also possible to achieve an AA content of the VACUREMA pellets that is below 1 ppm. Since it was founded in 1983 EREMA has specialised in the development, manufacturing and worldwide distribution of plastic recycling systems and technologies for the plastics processing industry. With its own sales and service companies in the USA, China and Japan, plus around 50 local representatives in all five continents, EREMA provides custom recycling solutions to match almost any individual application requirements.
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