PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical is China's first facility to utilize KBR's proprietary SCORE

KBR has successfully met all contractual obligations related to the Lanzhou ethylene plant (owned and operated by the PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company with a total ethylene capacity of 600,000 tpa.) This milestone represents the first facility in China to utilize KBR's proprietary SCORE (Selective Cracking Optimum REcovery) technology for furnace cracking and recovery sections. China Huanqiu Contracting and Engineering Corporation (HQCEC) assisted on the basic engineering design and performed all detailed engineering design. KBR's SCORE technology brings together the expertise and experience of KBR and ExxonMobil Chemical to provide the petrochemical industry with state-of-the-art technology optimized from both a design contractor's and ethylene producer's perspective. Safety, operability, and reliability are combined with low capital and energy costs to give producers the competitive edge in today's markets. Since 1995, KBR ethylene technology has been used in more than 25 percent of the world's new olefins plants. KBR previously supplied technology for two expansion cracking furnaces at Daqing, China. KBR's SCORE technology is also being used for a cracking furnace addition currently under startup in Indonesia. In addition, KBR is currently performing the engineering, procurement and construction management for one of the world's largest ethylene plants for Saudi Kayan with an ethylene capacity of 1,350,000 metric tons per year.
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