Plastindia initiative to help marginal farmers save water, increase yield per crop, increase number of crops per year

Plastindia Foundation’s “ Plasticulture” is scheme whereby farmers are provided with drip irrigiation facility and also shown the benefits of using them. Plastindia Plasticulture activity is being done in association with the Organisation of Plastic Processors of India. Plastindia Foundation, in association with NABARD and Dilasa, a n NGO, has identified 16 villages covering 1400 farmers at Aurangabad District. Farmers will be provided loan by NABARD through the NGO, with a subsidy from Plastindia, to undertake drip irrigation for an area of 1 Hectare each. Work on distributing the funds and providing the drip irrigation has begun in full earnest. With a view to show the benefits of using drip irrigation, 8 villages have been identified in Jalna, where a demo plant of 1 acre in each village will be put up with drip irrigation. Simultaneously, exhibitions will be held showcasing uses of plastics in agriculture, machines used in agriculture etc. This activity will be rolled out by the end of April 2011. Both these models of the Plasticulture efforts are to help marginal farmers save water through drip irrigation and not only increase yield per crop but also put them in a position to grow more than 1 crop per year. The two projects mention above are our pilot projects. If successful, Plastindia Plasticulture is committed to implementing both models in other areas as well.
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