PolyOne in joint collaboration for development of bio-based plasticizers for polymer formulations

Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) and PolyOne Corporation have agreed to collaborate on the development of bio-based plasticizers for use in polymer formulations. "There is clear market interest in renewable technology as an alternative to traditional petroleum-based plasticizer offerings," said Dr. Cecil Chappelow, vice president, innovation, sustainability, and chief innovation officer, PolyOne Corporation. "We are confident that PolyOne's compounding expertise and global market reach, coupled with ADM's deep knowledge of agricultural-based chemistries and manufacturing techniques, will lead to a new generation of plasticizers and compounds for our customers and for the global polymer industry."Paul Bloom, director, Chemical Technology Strategy, ADM said, "This collaboration is an example of how ADM is working in concert with expert partners to identify opportunities to expand our product portfolio. When we find and commercialize new products from existing feedstock streams, we increase the value of our portfolio overall." Plasticizers are used primarily to make plastics softer and more flexible. The global plasticizer market is an $11 billion industry and is comprised mostly of petroleum-based products. The goal of this alliance is to develop and commercialize bio-based plasticizers from corns and oilseeds.
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