PVC from West Europe dips below US$1100 in Turkey

Turkish markets have seen more European origins offered into the market in February, as compared to January, including Central European offers which have been scarce for several months, as per Chemorbis. PVC k67 offers have been in the range of US$1100-1140/ton CFR Turkey, cash basis in February- a very competitive price compared to the alternatives with the exception of Egyptian origin which is also duty free and offered at US$1060-1090/ton with the same terms. US origin has been another major player in the market, but with prices at US$1010-1050/ton, subject to both 6.5% customs duty and US$45/ton anti-dumping duty, it is mainly workable for competitors with re-export documentation. Despite the competitive advantage of European offers, imports have not been popular in Turkey this month due to lower local prices available in the distribution market as a result of slow demand.
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