Sabic IP boosts STAMAX LGFPP composite resin capacity at Genk, Belgium

Sabic's Innovative Plastics is significantly boosting capacity for its STAMAX long glass fibre-filled polypropylene (LGFPP) composite resins at its manufacturing facility in Genk, Belgium, to meet rapidly growing demand from automotive customers. Last month, Sabic explains that the company began work on a new production line - slated to open in the second half of 2013 - to further its ability to provide a secure and reliable local supply of this high-performance Sabic material. It says STAMAX LGFPP composite resins give customers a robust combination of properties, while enabling light weight to provide the potential to improve fuel efficiency and cut emissions. This lighter weight allows for a enhanced carbon and energy footprint over the life of a car or truck compared with traditional materials. The Genk capacity expansion demonstrates Sabic's commitment to automotive customers worldwide and their need for high-performance sustainable solutions that will enable them to design and produce next-generation vehicles. "When we constructed the Genk facility, we proactively built in scalability in anticipation of customers' future needs," said Leon Jacobs, Innovative Plastics' Automotive leader in Europe. "It took only two years before we needed to scale up with this new, state-of-the-art production line because our STAMAX composite resins have become a material of choice for a growing number of automotive applications. STAMAX composite resins give customers outstanding value, especially by assisting in meeting toughening automotive design requirements, reducing overall system costs and increasing sustainability. By providing our customers with an expanded supply of this versatile, high-quality material - in combination with our world-class application development services - we are further able to help them differentiate their products and grow.
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