Sasol to license ExxonMobil Technology for Louisiana polyethylene plant

ExxonMobil Chemical Technology Licensing LLC, an affiliate of ExxonMobil Chemical Company, has signed an agreement to license its tubular process technology to Sasol North America for a new low density polyethylene (LDPE) plant in Lake Charles, La. The new 420,000 tpa plant is expected to be completed in late 2016. “The performance of our LDPE plant in Sasolburg and the experience of working with ExxonMobil Chemical before, during and after that facility came online helped convince us that the ExxonMobil Chemical tubular process was also the best choice for our Lake Charles plant,” said Mike Biesheuvel, managing director, Sasol Polymers International Investments. The demonstrated performance of other ExxonMobil Chemical LDPE process licensees in plants with 400,000 tpa capacities was another important factor in our selection.” Sasol Polymers, a division of Sasol Chemical Industries, also licensed the ExxonMobil Chemical tubular process for its LDPE plant in Sasolburg, South Africa, that opened in 2005. “LDPE producers continue to choose our tubular process technology for its broad grade-slate capabilities, high reactor uptime and lower total cost compared with commercial gas-phase reactors,” said Jennifer Dunphy, vice president, ExxonMobil Chemical Technology Licensing.
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