SEAsia receives offers from new PP and PE capacities in UAE and Thailand

Players in South East Asia have started to receive offers from new PP and PE capacities belonging to Borouge and the Siam Cement Group (SCG). A converter in the Philippines reported that they purchased two containers of Northwest European homo-PP injection offered as part of a pre-marketing campaign for Borouge’s new 800,000 tpa PP plant in the United Arab Emirates. The plant is scheduled to start-up in June or July of this year and the company has reportedly been engaged in pre-marketing activities for the new plant since December. Thailand’s Siam Cement Group (SCG) is offering some HDPE film and PP raffia cargoes from their new plants. The company has concluded trial runs at their new plants and are now running both their new 400,000 tpa PP plant and their new 400,000 tons/year HDPE plant at 60-70% of capacity owing to insufficient feedstock availability. The producer stated that they are now offering HDPE film and PP raffia from the new plants for March shipment.
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