Sidel inaugurates PET bottle blow moulding machines production plant in Malaysia

In a bid to meet growing demand for PET packaging with low and medium output machines, Sidel has inaugurated a plant to manufacture polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle blow moulding machines in Malaysia. The production facility, spread over 11,000 sq. mt., will strengthen the company's ability to procure parts and sub-assemblies locally through partners in Malaysia and neighboring countries. The new facility will increase Sidels' output from 70 machine a year to about 120 machines. PET packaging is being increasingly used by the food and drinks industries because of it's recycability and convenience as compared to glass and metal. Since 2005, Sidel Malaysia has been a design center for blow molding machines, including the SBO Compact series. Sidel Malaysia has produced about 500 blow molding machines in the past ten years, for a global market.
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