Sinopec orders closure of two refineries and a petrochemical plant for emission checks

Sinopec Group, the parent of China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec), has ordered the closure of two refineries and a small petrochemical plant in the southern province of Guangdong for environmental checks, according to Reuters. The two refineries, Sinopec Guangzhou Petrochemical Corp. and Sinopec Dongxing refinery have a combined crude processing capacity of 370,000 bpd. The petrochemical giant issued the order after a Chinese state television channel showed inspectors from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Guangdong’s provincial environmental protection bureau, berating the company for repeated regulatory violations, the South China Morning Post reported. “No one supervised [the companies] and asked them to correct [their wrongdoings] even though it was crystal clear that their pollution emissions were beyond national standards,” the SCMP cited the director of the bureau’s inspection office as saying.
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