Solvay Advanced Polymers' PPA resins get hot potable water certifications

Belgium's Solvay Advanced Polymers have recently obtained hot potable water certification for two new grades of Amodel® polyphthalamide (PPA). This will help OEMs expedite the approval process required for components used in boilers, valves, meters and other equipment that comes in contact with hot potable water. The two resins, Amodel A-1133 DW and A-1145 DW, are now certified under NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects for contact with hot potable water up to 82°C (182°F). These materials are also approved by WRc (United Kingdom), ACS (France), KTW (Germany) and W-270 (Germany). The resins contain 35% or 45% glass fiber reinforcement and are available in natural (uncolored) and black. Amodel PPA provides excellent chemical, fatigue and creep resistance and is suitable for applications that require intermittent exposure to hot chlorinated water. Typical applications include components for boilers, valves and meters. The high cost of leadfree alloys coupled with the same for metals makes the plastics like Amodel PPA as a cost-effective substitute for metals like brass.
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