Solvay is to invest in PVDF, tecnoflon, fluoroelastomers, VF2 plant in China

Solvay is to invest around €120 mln in a plant to produce Solef Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF), Tecnoflon, Fluoroelastomers (FKM) and their monomer VF2 in China. The plant, to be located at Changshu in Jiangsu province, will become operational at the beginning of 2014, and meet Asia’s growing demand. "This new production plant will enable Solvay to capture a part of the huge growth potential in this region," said Solvay plastics sector group general manager Jacques van Rijckevorsel. "We'll bring our customers more value-added polymers which will help them improve their environmental footprint and sustainability profile." Solvay global business unit specialty polymers senior EVP Augusto Di Donfrancesco noted: "The plant in Changshu will transform the site into a strong industrial base for fluorinated polymers and their essential strategic feedstock in China."We can leverage the Chinese fluorine supply chain, be closer to our customers and diversify our supply basis by adding a new production base for both Solef PVDF and Fluoroelastomers Tecnoflon."
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