Successful restart for DuPont's Texas-based Sabine River Works site five months after Hurricane Ike

DuPont's Sabine River Works site in Orange, Texas has completed its restart project following Hurricane Ike. The ethylene unit at the site recently began operation 152 days after the storm struck the Texas coast. The ethylene unit was the site's final unit to return to normal operation and the manufacture of products has been under way at the site for several months as various utility and production units started up in a planned, staged process. Also, the company release said that the five month recovery project was completed safely, with no Occupational Safety & Health Administration recordable injuries to site employees. Before Hurricane Ike struck the Texas coast, the company had discontinued all operations at Sabine River Works site to ensure the safety of employees and the community. When the plant's hurricane response team toured the facility after the hurricane landed, they found a safe and environmentally sound process, but significant damage to buildings and electrical equipment due to flooding and high winds.
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