Technip awarded contract for FEED design for Sasol's Lake Charles site in Louisiana, USA

Technip was awarded by Sasol a contract to supply its proprietary ethylene technology and front-end engineering design (FEED) for a world-class grassroots ethane cracker. This cracker, to be located at Sasol's Lake Charles site in Louisiana, USA, will produce an estimated 1.5 mln tpa of ethylene. Technip's operating center in Houston, Texas, will execute the FEED project, which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2013 Stan Knez, Technip's Senior Vice President, Process Technology, commented: "We are pleased that Sasol selected our technology for this world-scale cracker, which will benefit from the current low US natural gas prices and abundance of ethane. As the largest ethylene licensor and contractor, Technip is proud to support Sasol's objectives to expand its downstream business in the US."
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